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Ahmet Kucukasci

Welcome to the first post of my new blog :) In this website, you are going to see my improvement and training during new triathlon season.

You can see the details of my race schedule and results by clicking this link. On this season, I will try to participate as many triathlon races I can in Turkey. The federation's schedule was not set yet, so I will share with you the ones that are already scheduled below.

1st big race

April Joke triathlon in Turkish Cyprus. It can be considered as an extreme triathlon race and it is very hilly :) It will be organized in April 21 and it is 70.3 distance race!

2nd big race

Eventhlon Gallipoli triathlon race. It will be organized in June 9th and it is also 70.3 distance.

3rd big race

2019 KMD IRONMAN Copenhagen. The big A race! 140.6! August 18th, 2019!

Before preparing for this season, I will make some tests and I am sharing these below.

Date: December 2, 2018

Sport: Running

Distance: 10k

Location: Track

Result: 44:24

Pace: 4:26/km

Avg HR: 175bpm

Notes: I wasn't really satisfied with the result, but I know the reason. I have to take care of our baby and I could barely sleep these days. I was going okay until the 6th km after that the tiredness had showed itself and I couldn't run faster as my HR began to drop where it reached to 148bpm in the last km :) I will do it again soon.

I will share with them soon


Sport: Swimming

Distance: 100meters, 400 meters and 800 meters (I will share with them soon)

Location: 25m pool


Sport: Cycling

Distance: 10km

Location: Velodrome

Look forward to share my destination with you!

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